Temporary Homes

In late November my reoccurring dreams started to change along with me. Over the months I obsessed over them, concentrating on details of the new layouts, new friends; entranced dejavu lasted hours after waking up. Described as a new nostalgia on a life not lived yet. Not here anyways. It doesn't exist. It's a neon … Continue reading Temporary Homes

cycler, the mad

I'm losing balance in bad acts. Mind is running far away from me; desperately and directionally lost in said ether. (And yet) I seem to care enough to record it here. (to be judged and rather ignored) no balls to announce on roof tops just yet. And when I do have that courage will you … Continue reading cycler, the mad

sometimes an always, but never always sometimes

Today I'm alone in the world, yesterday almost forgotten, tomorrow I was never born.

(bad dayz) Just living,

breathing, drinking, fucking, eating, driving, walking, working, laziness, being outside, staying in, going to Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, birthdays, smoking, not smoking, doing drugs, being clean, heart break, falling in love, breakups, rejection, grief, freeway traffic, science, evolution, commercials, your social media, and your credit score is liminal, assisted suicide.

daydreams are suicide

Staring at a fixed point 22 meters for 11 minutes. The street is polluted with workers, cussing and jousking noise in high velocity. They call me creepy and crazy because I have that look in my eye. A look that says I want to fight the world and everything in it. I said, "Fuck my … Continue reading daydreams are suicide